Valgeir Guðjónsson
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Audio book
Eyrarbakkabrúin - where is it located?
The program begins in Bakkastofa with Ásta Kristrún and her husband Valgeir. Ásta leads guests into the world of her ancestors and mothers in the House and about the storyline of a bygone era that still lives on in many minds.
Ásta gets visitors to experience with the strength and foresight that moved the country through hardships into a brighter time. It is not clear to everyone how strong and prosperous the cultural community in Eyrarbakki was.
From Ásta and Valgeir, visitors walk over to Húsið, where the museum director Lýður Pálsson and Linda Ásdísardóttir, the curator, receive them and shed light on the real circumstances of the time described in Bakkastofa.
Made up beds and made up Japanese surfaces, along with crackling timber and the Atlantic Ocean out the window that stretches all the way to Antarctica, is an experience that says chess and checkers.
Eyrarbakki is a soul upliftment and health improvement We now offer a new program that we call Eyrarbakkabrún.
We connect various interesting things here at Bakkan and sing and tell stories. The Eyrarbakki bridge is in both a longer and shorter version, both part of the day and another that stretches between days. The shorter one is suitable for groups of 10-30 people; sewing clubs, workplaces, families and so on down the streets.
Those who attend the longer program 8 -12 people, lean their heads in a historic building, the nation's primary school itself, Gunnarshús, which we have for use by those who attend courses and programs on our behalf. In addition, we work with Hotel Selfoss, which offers our guests good terms. A new "Hostel Bakki" has been opened across the street from Bakkastofa and in many places there are guesthouses that open up the possibility for larger groups who want to come, enjoy nature, food and stay in the village.
bakkastofa - eyrargata 32, 820 Eyrarbakki / / tel. 821 2428 - 561 2429