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picture to laurel

early morning no one on
one with wet feet
dengir a young boy lies
the meadow cries


the colors of the earth live in harmony
calm around the fjord and grounds
a bird in the air flies high
fish wakes under


sat loads victory line
socks recently
colorfully hums their songs
nice work warm


full house food fills segg
goes so well in the mouth
hard boiled is a delicious egg



long if one does work
you will be sheltered
acid moistens sop sore throat
once the day is over


red paints a serpentine peak
romance crazy
the moment like a picture
which will never be painted

Mynd_til_Láru_Vigdís Vala og Valgeir G
00:00 / 04:02
Vala Guðna í Alþingisgarðinum.jpg

Vala Guðni moved Mynd to Lára in Austurvellir on June 17, 2014.

VG með eggið.jpg
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