Valgeir Guðjónsson

Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein

Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein

Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein

Audio book

Music, history and nature - Summer course for children
Supervision: Ásta Kristrún Ragnarsdóttir, study counselor
Music - History and Nature - creative 5 day summer course for 6 - 12 year old children.
Participants meet on Sunday evening and say goodbye late Friday.
Maximum number students are 12.
Price ISK 32 thousand, accommodation and food are included.
Great emphasis is placed on warm human communication and it starts with a short evening where participants introduce themselves. It is hoped that the guardians will be able to accompany their children to the place and be present during the introductory part of the evening. Custodians can then familiarize themselves with the conditions and locations of the course.
The themes on which the course is based are music workshop, outdoor life, nature, museum visits, storytelling communication and expression.
Emphasis is placed on mobilizing participants to work with their experiences and experiences from day to day. Evenings and morning gatherings will be used for discussions and speculations about what has been going on during the day.
Participants are allowed to choose a main theme and are allowed to concentrate on it for two and a half days out of the five that the course lasts.
Italics indicate that there are waiting lists in those weeks
1 11 - 16 June
2: 21 - 26. June
3. 28 - 3 July
4. 5 - July 10 in
5. 19 - July 24 in
6. 26 - 31 July
7. 2 - 7 August
8. August 9 - 14

bakkastofa - eyrargata 32, 820 Eyrarbakki / bakkastofa@eyrarbakki.is / tel. 821 2428 - 561 2429