Valgeir Guðjónsson

Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein

Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein

Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein

Audio book
Valgeir Guðjónsson

Valgeir Guðjónsson has a many-sided resume indeed.
Around the tender age of 20 he, along with his schoolmates, formed two bands that remain household names in Icelandic music - Stuðmenn and Spilverk þjóðanna.
After the sensible safety measure of obtaing a degree as a Social Worker, Valgeir proceeded to follow his heart as a musician, songwriter and lyricist of some of Icleand's most popular music as well as working in radio, theater, films and television.
He has a number of filmscores under his belt as well as his impressive musical soundscapes for a number of PBS series and Discovery Channel programs in the US.
Valgeir´s relaxed way of delivering his music and words has earned him a reputation as one of the prime artists of Iceland.
He most recent work is geared towards children along with his passion for bringing Icelandic culture to the eyes and ears of travelers who visit Bakkastofa. His performaces are vibrant and reflect some very important parts of the Icleandic mindset.

Valgeir´s Music Hour
Take it from a true Renaissance Man who crossed the North Sea on a Viking ship and has provided Icelanders with music and words known by practically everyone.
Valgeir Guðjónsson, one of Iceland's premiere and favorite artists, takes his audience on a healthy spin with his version of old and new Iceland. Literature, Culture, History and then some more ...
All done in Valgeir's relaxed, personal style - from Saga drama and humor to the present day Iceland.
Ásta Kristrún

bakkastofa eyrargata 32, 820 eyrarbakki / bakkastofa@gmail.com - 821 2428 -www. bakkastofa.is