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World corner table

This summer we will continue to rent out the facilities for events and entertainment of various kinds.


For those who choose to have refreshments at meetings and in fun, Hafnarloftið has come up with an exciting innovation for guests for their guests. The innovation is called Heimshornaborð, where you can choose between delicacies and cuisine from different countries.

Older generations remember the time when Iceland was almost free of all "foreign" food.  What was exotic v a r a maximum of Danish and consumption of pasta and garlic was unknown.

Since then, many lakes have flowed into the sea and Icelanders have smelled of foreign food.


The World Cup is first looking for prisoners in India and on the shores of the Mediterranean, mainly to Italy, Spain and Greece, which are run by two select elite kitchens; East India Company and Delicatessen / Cheese Shop. Nordic and Icelandic cuisine will also have its place on the World Corner Table, and the well-chosen restaurant that will serve those dishes will be introduced here on the site before long.


Therefore, groups who book Hafnarloftið and / or its events can now enjoy delicious and interesting dishes in their own right in the unique premises of Hafnarloftið high up and right in the heart of the old town.


Indian or Italian, strong, steadfast, exotic, familiar, healthy, good and terribly tempting - tropical, Nordic oriental? There are truly many things for you and yourselves to choose and enjoy!

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hafnarloftið / harbourloft - lækjartorg 5, 101 reykjavík / - 821 2428 -

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