Valgeir Guðjónsson
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Audio book
A Cold War Reykjavík child is a label that has produced a great many productive artists that have made their mark on the Icelandic Cuture and Art scene.
Reykjavík was a dynamic place to grow up at the time and the post-war era was greatly influenced by the presence of an American Naval Base in the neighboring town of Keflavík.
Gallery Bakkastofa
Gallery Hafnarloftsinn has for display and sale artwork that can be seen on site and here on the site.
The buildings give a rich opportunity to adorn them with beautiful art
and it is gratifying to be able to replace works with new ones and thus change the atmosphere and appearance of the place.
We broke up for a short show in links to Culture night, where three artists from as many nations are in the spotlight. She's still standing for a while.
John William Stephenson (1946) - California
The energy and the universe have been the source of JW's work for the last 10 years and into the works he weaves together memories related to the particle velocity in Cern, where the smallest particles of the known material world are explored.
JWS uses strong and bright colors in its expression of the outside world and the driving force of life. An unusual mix of physics and human driving force is the message that JWS sends to us through its work. See more ...
Salóme Fannberg (1951) - Iceland
Salóme has devoted herself to web art for a long time and has worked on her art in many countries.
She has sought out prisoners in many places in her work and attracted attention when she mixed seaweed into her wool weave.
Her pictures are often dreamy and realistic at the same time and often evoke a positive, irrational impression on the part of the observer. More ...
Hanna Aniela Frelek (1984) - Poland
Hanna was born and raised in Poland but moved to Iceland in 2006. She studied Icelandic at the University of Iceland and also studied art at the Reykjavík Art School.
By virtue of her rare drawing talent, Hanna began her art studies Edinburgh College of Art where she is currently studying. Her artistically drawn works are complex and exploratory at the same time. Sight is richer in history ...
hafnarloftið / harbourloft - lækjartorg 5, 101 reykjavík / - 821 2428 -