Valgeir Guðjónsson
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Valgeir's song with a poem by Hannes Hafstein
Audio book
Bakkastofa is the home ground of Valgeir Guðjónsson, a musician and more, who has provided the nation with songs and lyrics for many years. Guests in Bakkastofa can enjoy his transport and when necessary, he will take care of it.
Valgeir undertakes party management and concerts as desired, whether it is held in Bakkastofa or anywhere in the country.
Bakkastofa - Culture and more
Music & Party management
Bakkastofa is a cultural center in Eyrarbakki which is run by the couple Ásta Kristrún and Valgeir Guðjónsson, together with their children. Bakkastofan offers a variety of cultural activities such as storytelling, concerts, courses and more. The programs henta all kinds of groups, whether it's workplaces, groups of friends, families or sewing clubs. More information about Bakkastofa can be found on this page.
Eyrarbakkabrúin - where the past comes to life ...
Eyrarbakkabrúin is a joint project of Bakkastofa and "Húsinn" - Byggðasafn Árnesingar. Ásta Kristrún tells stories of the people who made the park famous in the 19th century. She is one of the descendants of these people and therefore knows a lot of remarkable things to say. Then we receive a visit to the "House" where the people lived. Lýður takes over Pálsson museum director welcomes guests in "Húsin" and Valgeir Guðjónsson plays well-chosen songs in Bakkastofa or in "Húsin" according to convenience.
in the media
Learning techniques
In addition to cultural programs in Bakkastofa living room courses which are either on site or at school and in distance learning.
This winter the focus is on courses in study techniques in charge Ásta Kristrún.
The Nemanet learning tool which is specialized equipment for promotion learning skills at all school levels are based on Ásta's methodology.
Participants are trained in the use of Nemanets and followed up on a closed Facebook page during the school year.
Information can be found at
bakkastofa - eyrargata 32, 820 Eyrarbakki / / tel. 821 2428 - 561 2429